
Artificial Intelligence is part of Ultracargo’s Operational Excellence

Em entrevista para Época NEGÓCIOS, os diretores Leopoldo José Gimenes e Renato Cesar Blanco detalham o uso da inteligência artificial na Ultracargo.

In an interview with Época NEGÓCIOS, directors Leopoldo José Gimenes, from Operations and Engineering, and Renato Cesar Blanco, from Information Technology, explain how we are applying artificial intelligence to predict equipment failures, increase productivity, and enhance security at our terminals here at Ultracargo.

Read the full article at this link: https://epocanegocios.globo.com/inteligencia-artificial/noticia/2024/03/ia-na-pratica-na-ultracargo-sensores-com-ia-ajudam-a-prever-falhas-em-equipamentos-e-aumentar-a-produtividade.ghtml